Happy Building Chrome Extensions!
STEP-1: Create a folder "TrialChromePlugin"
STEP-2: The following files are needed to build a chrome plugin:
- manifest.json
- html page (if has a UI and a pop-up extension)
- icon png/image file
STEP-3: If chrome plugin needs "javascript libraries"
- Create a "js folder" inside the "TrialChromePlugin" folder
- Store the javascript library files in the respective folder
STEP-4: Build the html page and the necessary javascript and store in the respective folders mentioned in Step-2 and Step-3.
STEP-5: Load Chrome extension in local browser
- By selecting the above folder in: chrome://extensions->Load unpacked extension
STEP-6: Login to "https://chrome.google.com/webstore/developer/dashboard" pay a onetime fee of 5$. The developer dashboard helps to track the chrome plugin usage and # of downloads. You can also intergrate the plugin with Google Analytics.
STEP-7: Prepare the zip file by including key.pem file
- Click on "Pack Extension" button on "Chrome://extensions" to generate key.pem file
- Include key.pem file in the folder "TrialChromePlugin"
- Then create a zip file of the "TrialChromePlugin folder". Learn more by visiting the site: https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/packaging
STEP-8: After you publish the plugin in chrome webstore if you need to update the chrome plugin what you need to?
- Click on "Add New Item" on "https://chrome.google.com/webstore/developer/dashboard"
- Follow the steps: 1) Upload an extension or app (.zip file) 2) Click on "Upload" button 3) Follow through the guided steps
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